Contact Us
Please feel free to contact us and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
Are you interested in learning more about the work we do at NC State or collaborating on projects that would benefit our community? Please feel free to contact us and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
General Questions
- For general questions and inquiries email
- Marketing and Communication Internship Program
- Learn more about our internship program by visiting our internships page
- Apply using our online application
- Email us at with any additional questions you might have
Project Requests
Complete our Project Intake Form to submit your project(s) request. We will generally try to respond to requests within 24-48 hours of the project request submission. In this response, we might request additional information to better assess the needs of the project and will provide an idea of the timeline based on your requested due date. Depending on the complexity of the project we will also request a brainstorming meeting.
This form is reserved to EMAS units and departments only. Other NC State units can email us at
Web Help Requests
Use our Web Help Request Form to submit your web-related issues and questions, and get in touch with the EMAS Marketing and Communication web development team.
We will generally try to respond to requests within 24-48 hours with a resolution within five days of the help request submission. Some requests might take longer to fulfill depending upon the complexity of the request.
This form is reserved to EMAS units and departments only. Other NC State units can email us at